Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shine from within!

After posting about food that's good for your hair(and nails), I'm dedicating this post to our skin. I believe that what you eat, eventually shows on the outside and makes you even more beautiful(is that's even possible..)
Besides eating the right food; always make sure to get enough sleep, drink lots of water and exercise at least 30 minutes a day to keep your blood circulated.

1.Low Fat Yogurt
It's full of vitamin A. This essential vitamin does wonders for our skin. If you have a thyroid problem or diabetes that’s another reason for you to stock up on organic law fat yogurts!

2. Berries

They have a great antioxidant capacity which means- the more of these we have, the longer our skin will look youthful and healthy!

3. Salmon
Our skin needs essential fatty acids.It's full of omega 3 an 6. You could also eat walnuts, flax seeds or canola oil.This helps to moisturize your skin from the inside.

4. Green tea
It contains poly-phenols which have anti-inflammatory characteristics.It will keep your skin from aging early

It's rich in B-complex vitamins and essential oils and works like an anti- inflammatory agent. It also soothes the skin that is red, irritated or blotchy.

7. Mango(yes!)
It's full of vitamin A which repairs your skin cells so that your skin doesn't look flaky.

8. Almonds and other nuts
Vitamin E helps to moisturize the skin from within.

9. Cottage cheese
It's full of calcium and selenium which is an essential mineral for  a youthful, glowing skin.

After doing my 'research' for this post I decided to combine this post, with the one about great hair(and nails)and came up with some recipes I'm using tomorrow to boost up my own hair and skin.

I'll keep you posted on whether this worked or not.

- 1 or 2 cups of green tea
- 1 bowl of yogurt with muesli,walnuts and or almonds,
honey and berries

- 1 mango

- 1 Salad with dark green lettuce,1 avocado,cottage cheese,brown beans

-1 or 2 Carrots

- Salmon from the oven
(prepared with lemon, salt, garlic and black pepper)
- Spinach, broccoli or kale
- Brown rice or barley

1 bowl of fruit
(whatever is in season contains the most vitamins)

Bon apétit pour moi!

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